Tanya 10th February 2008

Papa, today is the usual sunday I am missing you very Much!! Remember Sundays were always our day to do nothing other than to talk and just hang out! I find these days are the hardest for me, I can't seem to do anything but miss you and pray that as time goes on I learn to accept the realization that you are gone in body but not spirit. I talk to Uncle Terry almost everyday and make sure he is ok, he really miss's you and wishes you were here on earth so he could tell you he loves you!! Papa I know you are never far from me, I can say something and I automatically think Papa would chew my butt out for that, see you did a good job raising me. I remember the last days you were here, you and I were talking in your Hospital room and your nurse Shannon was his name came in the rooma and was begging you to drink your Ensure which had your medicine in it and I said Just give it to me I will get him to drink it, you did it for me, and as you were drinking it you told him our life story on a matter of 10 minutes, you told him that you raised me but WE raised each other, I think about that day all the time. I remember you telling me to lay down with you, and just hold your hand, I always laid down with you Papa, I felt safe next to you, like nothing in the world could ever hurt me, you told me 100 times atleast that you loved me and that you were proud of me. Papa truth be known I was always proud of you. Tomorrow is the 11th, Tracy's B-Day, I will call him and wish him a Happy Birthday for both of us, he is having a hard time he has just lost you in December and Grandma Doris a few weeks ago. I will keep praying for him and everyone else. I love you Papa, and not a second goes by that I don't MISS you beyond belief!!!! Kiss Gradma for me and tell her I love her Very much!!!